Friday, May 28, 2010

Hey, Lucifer here.

It's been a tough year for an EAP fan fans. After receiving a cease-and-desist special request from the chief officer of EAP's legal team fan club, I had to agree to keep quiet about some amazing developments.


Everybody knows that M:D-3 rumours have been nonexistant running rampant for years, so much so that conniving copycats have tried to steal EAP's thunder by using the title to fool yours truly a whole new generation of unsuspecting fans. Do yourself a favor and STEER CLEAR of any unofficial YouTube videos bearing the false title.

What everybody doesn't know is that the real M:D-3 will wrap up all the loose ends that the M:D-2 Trailer left audiences with. During a a recent script meeting, both Sir Steve Willis and Conman confirmed that many of the faces from M:D-1 and M:D-2 would reappear in M:D-3.

According to an early draft outline for M:D-3 FINAL STRIKE™ that I stole was allowed to peruse briefly, this could also be the final nail chapter in the coffin series for EAP. During a recent screening of some early test footage, tensions ran high between super-ego the legendary Steve Willis and the rest of the crew.

As the pictures show, he's clearly unwilling to participate still the perfectionist. Me reckons it was the possible changes made to the character of Rastafarian Man which indicate he may now actually be Rastafarian and not just a confusing name.

Whatever the case, you heard it here first kids!
