Monday, May 20, 2013

MD3 Set For 2029 Release

Moe Skeeto's got the secret deets on the EAP beats.

The long awaited MD3™ gets a teaser poster and tentative Summer 2029 release date. Steve Willis says he read the complete script on his flight to EAP's Annual Gold Coast Film Festival and it blew him away - fans should expect some surprising twists and turns in 16 years time!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Hey everybody,

Lucifer Moe Skeeto here.

Some unreleased teaser poster art for franchise reboot/prequel SLAM MAN™: PROLOGUE featuring ☆ Steve Willis ☆ has surfaced online. It's unknown if this is being currently developed, or even what the project actually is.

There's been no SLAM MAN™ news for a long time, so this might represent another abandoned attempt to resurrect EAP's 2001 magnum opus.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Sir Steve Willis Knighted

Hey everybody,

Lucifer here.

Sir Steve Willis has been knighted for his public service to sciences and health. He recently donated the contents of his mind to be ciphered in the hope that we might all, one day, be able to reach his level of inspirational stature.

About a month ago, during the procedures groggy aftermath, me was able to gets a few more comments from the honorable Sir Steve Willis regarding Ordinary Guy.

EAP fans all over the world have been wondering for years whether there is any connection between M:D-1's Ordinary Guy and M:D-2's John Pyro. As both characters are played by Steve Willis, and time travel is involved, it seemed like a definite possibility.

But Sir Steve Willis has ruled out such thoughts. Whilst answering a question about Ordinary Guy being John Pyro's father, the actor quipped:

"I think it's a good idea if we wanted to cheapen the entire franchise."

When quizzed further about the future of Ordinary Guy, whether the character is really dead, or what his role in MDIII might be, Sir Willis simply stated:

"Ordinary Guy is always losing his underwear."

In response to the other recent news regarding MDIII franchise rights, it appears that EAP has successfully reclaimed all rights to the third chapter. It is currently unknown whether chapters IV, V, and VI will still be produced but, given the hullabaloo to retain the rights, me's would guess that it is likely.