Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hey everybody...

How's it going?

Welcome to Lucifer's Logs.

Just wanted to tell you all that I'm EAP's only greatest fan.

I was stalking Just the other day, by pure coincidence, I bumped into the legendary Steve Willis. I did the world a favour and asked him when M:D-3 was coming out. He politely told me to get lost that he wasn't sure and not to hold my breath.

But, as he turned to leave, my hawk-eyes noticed a very specific anomaly about his appearance.

He was looking rather ordinary. Too ordinary for the great Steve Willis. Surely, he was getting back into character as Ordinary Guy from M:D-1.

Clearly, this proves that he's working on it and Ordinary Guy is back, having somehow survived Rastafarian Man's attack!

But before I could say "EX-CUSE ME!" he was gone. Maybe next time.

That little piece of information really got my juices flowing though, as I've been waiting to add M:D-3 to my collection of amateur second generation VHS copies EAP classics since 2002. (NO I CAN'T SELL ANY OF THE CASSETTES)

So there you have it EAP fans. Just remember, you heard it first on Lucifer's Logs.

Stay tuned for more as I get it.

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