Tuesday, December 22, 2009

WAPD SWAT Police Start Search

An emergency WAPD SWAT Police meeting has declared that the search for Steve Willis is underway.

"He must be hiding. We are on the lookout for any turdmongers" said WAPD Officer Connor a few hours ago.

When quizzed about notifying Mr. Willis' loved ones, Officer Connor answered with a question to all present, and possibly the entire human race.

"Do you love?"

Steve Willis... Missing!

Hey everybody. Lucifer here with no time to spare.

Shock news! Steve Willis has disappeared during a routine EAP scouting operation in the sparse South-West of Australia. Rumour has it the EAP star was looking for a spot to film an upcoming M:D-3 scene at Rastafarian Man's hideaway beach shack. Whilst trekking to the locale, Willis was separated from the rest of the crew and could not be located. Attempts to contact the star by phone also failed.

Authorities have urged anyone with information of his whereabouts to contact them immediately.

Rest assured, Lucifer is on the case with more as it happens.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Steve Willis Talks M:D-3

Hey again.

Lucifer here.

Managed to break in get an invite to an exclusive EAP meeting. Steve Willis wanted to reaffirm that M:D-3 is in the storyboard stages and possibly definitely not in development hell.

"Assume M:D-3 won't happen, but don't assume too hard..." he jokingly added.

I'd wager his statement is a big enough tip-off that M:D-3 is well into production, perhaps even close to shooting, given last weeks news of a location scout in Fremantle.

More to come.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

EAP In Fremantle


It's me again.


BREAKING NEWS: secret EAP meeting at Pizza Bella Roma!

Managed to follow escort EAP to a restaurant in Fremantle. They had been in the area for some time, possibly scouting for M:D-3 locations. Bribed a waitress for a nearby table to do a little eavesdropping for all you EAP fans out there.

These kind of events, in which all three EAP veterans are spotted, are quite rare. It's even rarer to catch the kind of juicy details that I overheard EAP eventually confessed to me. Bottom line is: EAP are up to something big!

Old names, like M:D-2 executive producer Neil Webster, peppered their excited conversation. Hearty meals, like Dazza's surf-n-turf, were busy stimulating the creative juices. Hawk-eyes, like those of Conman's menacing stare, were busy keeping a lookout for snitches undercover reporters like me.

Last month saw Steve Willis method acting as Ordinary Guy, now this!

Stay tuned for more,


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hey everybody...

How's it going?

Welcome to Lucifer's Logs.

Just wanted to tell you all that I'm EAP's only greatest fan.

I was stalking Just the other day, by pure coincidence, I bumped into the legendary Steve Willis. I did the world a favour and asked him when M:D-3 was coming out. He politely told me to get lost that he wasn't sure and not to hold my breath.

But, as he turned to leave, my hawk-eyes noticed a very specific anomaly about his appearance.

He was looking rather ordinary. Too ordinary for the great Steve Willis. Surely, he was getting back into character as Ordinary Guy from M:D-1.

Clearly, this proves that he's working on it and Ordinary Guy is back, having somehow survived Rastafarian Man's attack!

But before I could say "EX-CUSE ME!" he was gone. Maybe next time.

That little piece of information really got my juices flowing though, as I've been waiting to add M:D-3 to my collection of amateur second generation VHS copies EAP classics since 2002. (NO I CAN'T SELL ANY OF THE CASSETTES)

So there you have it EAP fans. Just remember, you heard it first on Lucifer's Logs.

Stay tuned for more as I get it.